We are all being led in the direction of success or failure. This may sound harsh, but the TRUTH is that
Leadership is self-explanatory in the sense that we are being led by external influences or by our divine
true nature, our Self.
Everyone has a leader trapped within. To be a successful leader, we need to learn the art of following our successor. Once we have mastered what we have learned through following, we are then able to lead ourselves and others into success. This is the simple truth of leadership.
The reason why so many of us have failed to lead ourselves to success is due to ignorance of our true nature, and misunderstanding why we are here.
We came here for one reason and that is to wake up to our true nature and govern our life by leading
ourselves into peace, joy and harmony. The sad fact is that many people do not understand this truth
because it feels too far-fetched. We focus on the world and all its troubles, and we tell ourselves that we
need things to be right before we can be happy, or some of us believe we are not worthy of happiness for one reason or another.
Leaders have demonstrated that all things are possible, and success is for anyone who grabs this truth and puts it to work for themselves.
True leaders are born when we realise our unlimited potential to unlock the leader within and live from
that state of consciousness. When we discover who we truly are and have no doubts about what we can
achieve, we become an unstoppable force for good in our world.
The human being is a character of your divine self. The human being is not who you are. Who you are is an invisible powerful force of intelligence. You are all knowing and all being. You decided to set up a machine called the mind. With this mind, you created a world. In this world you created a body to operate through and to enjoy life experiences. When your game comes to an end, you exit the world by dropping the body (also known as death), and you may decide to pick-up another form, or you may not. The body remains on the earth and as time goes by, the body disintegrates, or it is cremated.
You cannot believe what I say, and I am glad you can't believe me because all beliefs are limitations. It is my absolute pleasure to empower you to self-realisation through direct experience of your true nature.
There is not too much to learn about yourself as your direct experience of yourself is knowing yourself. No one can tell you who you are as you are so brilliant; you are beyond words! Knowing your true nature is such a wonderful experience as it ends all confusion, fear, and doubts that we have before we discover this truth for ourselves.
As mentioned earlier, we have a mind. The mind is not an object. The mind is a mental activity. There are many facets to this mind, but its main and only function is to create your experiences. Through ignorance and misusing the mind, many of us have become victims to a machine that has turned on us and enslaved us to a life of hell, fear, ups and downs and confusion.
Leadership shows us what the mind is and how it operates so that we have real choice. We can understand the workings of the mind so that we do not get tripped up by it again, or we can learn about it to use it to create a life of bliss and harmony. Either way, until we understand how the mind works, we will find it impossible to find everlasting peace on this earth.